Log-in using your Twitter, Facebook, Google+ Account.
Click the shopping basket icon at the bottom to download apps and get free coins. Beside the app you will see the number of coins you will get when you download it. For example, if you download SNOW it will give you 300 coins.
Click the pink box " 참여하기 ". It will direct you to google play. Just install the app and the coins will automatically reflect on your SMA account.
To check if the coins have been credited to your account. Click the check icon at the bottom. It will show the "Coins you have" and "Voting tickets you have". If you downloaded SNOW you should have 300. Click Exchange voting tickets choose "3 tickets".
You can try and download the other apps as well. Some apps are restricted to other countries and the only apps that work in mine are SNOW, Phone Theme Shop and Devilian.
Go back to HOME and vote for INFINITE on Main Awards. Click "투표하기".
Click Hi1 Popularity Award and vote for INFINITE as well. You can divide your votes to the two categories. Maximum votes allowed per day is 10.
Deleting the app and re-downloading doesn't work. So when you have downloaded all the possible apps for free coins you can purchase coins next using your Google play account. Go to "유료춯전". Choose from 1,000 won to 10,000 won.