#1 여러분들의 응원과 성원에 힘입어 L’s Bravo Viewtiful part02가 무사히 세상밖으로 나오게 되었습니다. ^^
#2 사진은 물론, 커버디자인, 레이아웃, 손글씨 등 모든 부분에 참여해 열정과 땀을 쏟아부은 둘째 아이 입니다~ 첫째 아이보다 업그레이드 된, 제 둘째 아이 많이 예뻐해 주세요~^^
#1 Thanks to everyone’s cheers and support, L’s Bravo Viewtiful part02 has come out to the world safely. ^^
#2 The pictures are of course a must but I also engaged myself in every part such as the cover design, layout, handwriting etc… So here’s my second child on which I poured out all my passion and sweat in~ Please be nice to my second child who’s more upgraded than the first one~^^
trans. cr; saphira @ infiniteupdates (@tumblr) ; take out with full credits