Q: If you were to choose a manager among the members, who would it be?
Sunggyu: Woohyun. Whenever I’m tired, looking at him makes me feel energised. This is good for the members too. His body probably has 1000 lemons. (laughs)
Dongwoo: Woohyun. Gives a good impression, can easily get along with anyone. Even if there’s a lot of work, he does it well.
Hoya: Sungyeol. Whenever there are a lot of fans and it’s chaotic, he can manage the situation well.
L: Dongwoo. Whenever I feel troubled, he will be smiling by my side. Looking at him makes me feel energised.
Woohyun: Sunggyu. He is very manly.
Sungyeol: L. I want him to get moving……Hahaha. With such a handsome manager, it feels safe isn’t it?
Q: Who is the most popular among girls?
Sunggyu: Woohyun. He likes to do aegyo, he is gentle and also makes people want to take care of him.
Dongwoo: Sunggyu. Whenever we are on shows, everyone looks at Sunggyu.
Hoya: Sungjong. He can even get along well with the female artistes.
L: Sungjong. We are all very envious of him, he has a lot of close friends.
Woohyun: I think it’s me. (laughs)
Sungyeol: L?… Ah, it’s Sungjong! He has a wide social circle! Whenever I see Sungjong interacting with members of other groups, I want to join them. But I am shy with strangers so I can’t do it.
Sungjong: Sungyeol. Because he is a warm guy.
Q: Which member became the most good looking?
Sunggyu: Woohyun. He lost about 10kg since debut. He was cute then, now he is manly and handsome.
Dongwoo: Woohyun. He slimmed by a lot. Everyone became handsome, of course, but Woohyun changed the most.
Hoya: Hoya. (laughs) I am on a diet recently. Did my face become slimmer? I stopped taking junk food, cut my usual serving of rice by half and practised dance diligently.
L: (together with Sungyeol) Woohyun! The reason is…..look back at the debut era and you will know. The photos say everything. Hahahaha, I’m sorry Woohyun.
Woohyun: Sunggyu. Last time, he feels like a friend and a hyung. Now, he feels like an artiste. In a short period of time, he changed a lot. Look at the past photos and you will know.
Sungyeol: (together with L) Woohyun! Look at the past photos and you will know……Woohyun, sorry ha!
Sungjong: Sunggyu. He looks good in photos now, gives a different feel every time. I’m envious, I need to learn from him.
Q: Who always gets up on the wrong side of the bed?
Sunggyu: Even though I do it too, Woohyun is even worse! No matter how late it is, he doesn’t sleep. And then in the morning, he can’t wake up.
Dongwoo: Everyone’s about the same?
Hoya: Sunggyu. He is getting older……(laughs)
L: (together with Sungyeol) Sunggyu. Because of his age, he is always tired.
Woohyun: Me. (laughs)
Sungyeol: Sunggyu! Because he is always tired, he hates exercising too. (laughs)
Sungjong: Hoya. He can’t wake up! Last time, I was roommates with Hoya. In the morning, even if I called him a few times, he wouldn’t wake up. In the end, the manager had to call him three to four times before he would wake up. (laughs)

cr: 啊KK (Japanese to Chinese) | sungheol.tumblr.com (Chinese to English)

via: TheSeener

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