"Party Hat and Banner Project for Dongwoo"
To make sure that the project will be executed.We decided that we will hand out the party hats and banners right after their last song THE CHASER. We know all of you will be all hyped up during the concert and there is a big chance tha you might lose the hats and banners especially those in Patron Areas. Here comes the roles of the volunteers in each areas.
Volunteers Guide:
1. Before the concert you will receive the banners to be given away. We will meet up in a specific area. (Meet up to be announced.)
2. It is possible that not everyone in your area will get banners and party hats. We gathered very limited amount to produce enough party hats and banners for all. We just estimated the amount to be given in each sections.
3. Take utmost care of the the banners and hats.
4. Make sure all the hats given away should be worn and the banners should be waved.
5. Enjoy like the others. After handing out the banners and hats your duty as a volunteer ends. Enjoy the concert too. ^^
Simple right? Thank you for helping. ^^
List of volunteers:
PATRON A - @myeongsarang , @gyutiiful, @infiniteuKimL and @BlueAddict
PATRON B- @daomyeongsu, @keii_ahhn, @inphineet and @itinetine
PATRON C - @_hyuntai and @gaveyyyy
PATRON D - Ned Annette Valdez and @leechoding_
LB200 - @echonism
LB201 - @echonism
LB 202 - @nicoleLeon22
LB 203 - @ginasayshihello
LB 204 - @myeolspop
LB 205 - @myeolspop

LB 212 - @khristelle16
LB 213 - @anjellie_ka
LB214 - @eunteukhaekyu
LB 215 - @xoxoayiiee06
The 2 volunteer ; 1 volunteer means there are  no volunteers yet in those areas. To those interested please comment below with your seat area. We need your help. Thanks.